
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

hi-ho movies

here is the third of 3 paintings for the autumn society's 3G show at gallery 1988. ghostbusters, goonies, and gremlins!  again, keep in mind this is a 3D layered painting since my photos can't show it!  a gremlin and popcorn painted on glass, about an inch apart from the background of the movie theater.  it has depth! visualize!


final pieces:
final piece! 

this must be my favorite of the three 3G pieces i did. i think the layers really make this one, and it wouldn't be nearly as cool without it.  it's really disappointing that you can't see in the photo, but i feel like it really looks like a chaotic movie theater with popcorn, flying in the air and being flung all over the place. like my ghostbusters piece, i had this scene picked out for my gremlins piece the moment i heard about the show.  this is one of my favorite scenes from gremlins and i watched it 90 times so i could paint this, and it still makes me laugh every time. i love hearing them sing the dwarfs' song. hi ho hi ho! i didn't want to paint the actual dwarfs from snow white, so i took the scene they are watching and painted that-- just with silhouettes instead of flat out disney characters.  and i picked out a some of the crazy things the gremlins are wearing during the movie (there were so many more i wanted to do..) but i chose the popcorn bucket on the head, popcorn bags on the ears, silly hats and tinsel boa, etc. adorable.  very fun one to paint


i know i'm repepitive with this, but i really, really, reeeally wish these looked online the way they do in person. this one i really love the depth in. so fun

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