thanks to hurricane sandy, halloween has been rescheduled for today. i figure it's a good day to share my halloween treats this year.
i found a pictures of these bloody cupcakes online and did my best to make them myself. store-bought candy knives and strawberry syrup blood
brownie graveyard, also found online. i was lazy so instead of making gravestone-shaped cookies, i just used melting candy wafers for the graves.
peanut butter (eye)balls! covered and decorated with melted candy wafers
ghost cupcakes i found in a halloween magazine. ghosts made from fondant. i didn't have a rolling pin and didn't follow the directions to make these properly. i winged it, worked well enough!
jackolantern and mummy cake pops. these were a nightmare to make. i've found cakepops to be frustratingly time consuming. these were supposed to be fast and simple but for some reason i couldn't seem to get the candy wafers to melt properly. at least they still look halloweeny!