CHOGRIN PRESENTS: MONSTER CREEPS, an art show & tribute to the films by Fred Dekker (Night of the Creeps / Monster Squad), featuring art from members of the Autumn Society & other special guests!
monster flicks from the 80's are pretty much the greatest of all time, so being invited to participate in the MONSTER CREEPS show is super exciting. i have no idea how this is even possible, but i didn't grow up on monster squad the way i should have. it should have been on my "love" list with all the other classics. i'm ashamed of myself (or should i blame my parents?) but they are both amazing movies and i chose to illustrate night of the creeps, which i only saw for the first time maybe about a year ago. i'm sure most of the tributes (maybe?) are for the more popular monster squad, so i gave some love to the awfully awesome 1986 zombie movie. chogrin suggested i do a cool 3D painting of the opening scene with the ax murderer in the classic 1950's black and white, and after rewatching the movie, i couldn't resist. i wish i could go out to california to see the one-night show, and meet the writer/director Fred Dekker. new jersey, always holding me back!
here are the layers to my painting, with glass layer raised 1/4 inch above the background:
on glass: ax murderer about to strike the worried unsuspecting lady victim (whose boyfriend just wandered off to check out a loud noise... or something like that)
background: the look-out-point (lover's lane? make-out point?) complete with alien comet coming to invade earth (by having brain parasites enter through human mouths, turning them into zombies)
sure this was just a minor part of the movie, but it made for a creeptastic awesome painting.
FEATURING: An appearance & signing by writer & director Fred Dekker
WHEN: Saturday, August 6th (8pm-10pm)
WHERE: Dark Delicacies ( / 3512 W. Magnolia, Burbank, CA 91505 )
SPECIAL SCREENING: A special screening of Monster Squad will be held at the Banshee theater (limited seating) featuring a special Q&A with /FILM's Germain Lussier & Fred Dekker ( / 3435 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank 91505 )
ART: View the art featured in the show (updated weekly)
MORE ABOUT: Read on how this show came to be
SPONSORED BY: Stange Kids Club ( / Fright Rags ( / Dead of Night Radio ( / The Autumn Society (

Poster & "Monster Creeps" banner by Justin Gray (
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