"theeadoooore! you made your little brother cry!"

hell gets personal. my bill and ted piece for the autumn society's 3B show at gallery 1988. it makes me so giddy. another 3-dimensional piece: the pink room background with some raised lamps/dressers. the fun 3D part: ted and the easter basket painted on glass 1/4 inch above the background. check out each individual layer below for a better feel of the piece

in "bill and ted's bogus journey," they're sent to their own personal hell, ted opens a door to find a clean, empty, all-pink room. my heart lit up at the sight of this pretty pink paradise. i was already set on painting this amazing, distorted room when the easter bunny, angry that ted was stealing his brother's basket, comes out and a flood of memories bombarded my brain. it was meant to be, the easter bunny in the pink room. but seriously. that bunny is the spawn of satan. pure evil. i feel so uncomfortable just looking at his face. actually, i feel uncomfortable during both bill and ted's personal hells. blegh.
this time around, i added a little more dimension than just the paintings on glass. you can see the lamp and dresser-thing are both raised slightly above the board. i think you can get a pretty good idea from these pictures and the shadows on how they really look. below is my attempt to show a better idea of how they look in person, but you'll still just have to check them out in person for the full effect!
for those of you have never seen, don't remember, or want to see again.... happy nightmares!
bleghh... he makes my skin crawl
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