i wish i had some kind of cool artsy april fool's joke to play on you today, but i'm too tired to care. i guess it's better not to care than to, say, call my sister in key largo to tell her our dog got hit by a car, when she immediately burst in tears and i realized it was a horribly unfunny april fool's joke... umm.. yeah that really happened. i'm sorry, i was young and naive! and stupid.
embarrassing... anyway...

this weekend i will resume my art-making, after a day or two of relaxing, after weeks of non-stop, non-sleep. i'm still too lazy to post, but i'm just updating about the sketchbook project tour i am participating in (or at least attempting to..) my sketchbook, full of 1EG's, is part of a library touring around the u.s., along with under 10,000 other sketchbooks. in february, the tour started in brooklyn, ny followed by austin, tx and is now in portland, me. so far, my sketchbook has been viewed a whopping one time! woo, go me! my hard work is paying off! i didn't expect it to be viewed many times, i really didn't know what to expect. i'm sure i'm on the low end and i'm just curious how many views other sketchbooks have and how the views on the higher end have so many. i also wonder if there's a way to publicize or raise interest in mine. who knows. i don't have time to find out or care :)
i was curious how the library system works, and i found this explanation on the site, which is pretty fascinating:
you can search for a book or: "We can also simply have the system pick two random books for the viewer by selecting a theme and hitting “Random Checkout, go!”. This will result in picking out a random book that hasn’t been checked out yet (or if all have been checked out already, it will pick one with the lowest checkouts) and then it will also pick a book right next to it in on the shelf. It picks two books next to each other so it’s quicker to get them to the viewer and to put them back later.
After the books are checked out, the system emails or sends a text message to the artist of the book letting them know that someone is currently viewing their work. This is my absolute favorite part of the system, as it really puts a human face on everything and keeps the artists connected with their books."
so at least if all else fails, the random check out might get me another 1 or 2 views. ha. i still find the idea of this whole thing very awesome, and i'm excited to visit the library once it returns to permanent home in brooklyn once the tour is complete.
i'd also like to note that i have sketchbook #2 in progress, with lots of characters that no one will ever guess. here's a preview above! who knows who it is?! i only spent a few days working on it several weeks ago, with 26 completed and 5 sketched out. i've been eager to continue and dying to finish. of course i won't have time to do either for a long while. why can't there be more hours in the day!
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