Monday, May 31, 2010
limabean kritter

Friday, May 28, 2010
last sci painting of the week, from 2008. still pretty obsessed with it..
•Maintain muscles in paralyzed limbs
•Protect skin from pressure sores
•Gain greater control over bladder and bowel function.
•Promote muscle balance & coordination.
•Increase stamina and strength.
•Prevent atrophy
•Improve circulation: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary.
•Improve range of motion & joint flexibility.
•Promote digestion & colon health.
•Feel better and accomplish your daily activities."
i think it's a pretty good one. like everything else i want, it's also very expensive. why aren't i rich yet? check out this video to get a better look of what the marchine looks like and how it works. i'm too lazy to look for a better video, but this one's short and gives you the idea.
blogger won't let me post this video for some reason, but if you're interested: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDXFp77juKQ
i still have more exciting stories and inventions to show from the expo.. just a few more.. next week (or whenever i feel like..)
fine art,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
3E Love
like my other posts this week, here's a random sci-related (mostly regarding pain) painting from 2006.
more of the abilities expo! tim and i came across the 3E Love booth. we bought some apparel because we liked the symbol, and slapped on some sweet temporary tattoos. but we didn't even know what it was really all about or how it got started. of course i looked it up online when i got home. here are our fake tattoos. we're romantic.
"3E Love is a disability awareness clothing line and marketing company founded in 2007 by siblings Annie and Stevie Hopkins and their family & friends. The mission of the company is simple; to create and market products and services that embrace living life no matter the obstacles, and by doing so, educate society and empower those with disabilities to love life."

"3E Love, LLC. and it's properties are the creation of the late Anne Hopkins (1984-2009), who as an advocate, entrepreneur, artist, and student, demonstrated what is possible when you love life. Anne's accomplishments in her academic, social, and family life were vast and will be remembered dearly, but her spirit and message can live on forever through the work she left for others to finish."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
a 2007 sci-related drawing. to go with my sci-related post. close enough. i want a bike!
i really don't know much about these things, i don't know if there are different types or brands or anything at all....and seeing as there's little to no chance of me getting one any time soon, i don't really care. what i do know is that i would kill for one right now. last year's abilities expo was the first time i actually took a minute to check out a handcycle. although i was unwillingly forced to test one out, i ended up in love with it, and i've been wanting one ever since. they are flat out fun to ride and a good source of some exercise. i've done the "arm bike" exercise crap that you put on a table top and just works your arms, but never a full bike that you ride and steer. i just keep picturing myself riding around the parks in hamilton on sunny breezy days. mmmm. and getting lots of obvious stares from moronic strangers, followed by me ramming them in the ankles and splitting their shins in two.... anyway! i didn't test drive one this year at the expo, but i did admire them from afar and long for them to be in my arms. the thing that bugs me the most is that if i were to get one, i would never be able to use it on my own terms. i don't think i could physically take it out by myself, and i don't think i would even want to alone.. which means i'd have to rely on someone else to use it.. which means if they don't want to.. i'm screwed, and there goes a couple grand out the window, and a sad, sad kc. but that's besides the point. since my wheelchair is purple, i'd like my handcycle to be hot pink. i will be anxiously waiting for some sweet generous stranger to buy me one for my birthday in july.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
here is an old SCI related painting from 2006...just for the sake of showing art on an art blog. but onto the more important part:

Monday, May 24, 2010
rocko's modern art
the autumn society's summer shows begin in june! this is my piece for the 90's show. everything 90's: tv, movies, video games, music. so fun, i'm very excited to see everyone's 90's pieces. this has just made me want to do a loong series of nicktoon paintings
i went to the abilities expo this weekend, so the rest of this week's posts will be about all the insane and expensive inventions and contraptions that i am dying for... and will probably never have.
ps- thank you dad for the awesome title of my nicktoon painting
i went to the abilities expo this weekend, so the rest of this week's posts will be about all the insane and expensive inventions and contraptions that i am dying for... and will probably never have.
ps- thank you dad for the awesome title of my nicktoon painting
Friday, May 21, 2010
upcoming painting
upcoming painting. i did the sketch and colored it in photoshop (please don't make fun of my horrible photoshop skills). but i plan on painting it similiar to that, on a big, big scale... hopefully. trying to do more with my one-eyed girls, aside from characters and just on random colorful backgrounds. this is just a baby step to bigger and better things.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
quick and mini 1EG's
teeny tiny 1EG paintings. 1-2 inchers tall. tiniest ones to date.
more bigger 1EG exercises that i painted, trying not to think about what i'm painting and just paint. the 2nd one was a horrible fail but that's okay. reminds me of the grinch. i painted them all outside in the hot sun on my deck, and it was amazing. despite the spiders. i've been waiting for the stupid rain and clouds to finally go away, so i can start doing my artsy stuff outside everyday. mmm fantastic
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1eg mini paintings
mini painting exercises. just mini paintings without thought or reason.
more on the way that i just haven't taken pictures of yet
Monday, May 17, 2010
sealife kritters...again!
corky the blowfish! my favorite fish, by far, are pufferfish. specifically porcupine puffers. i used to have a tank full of them, and other types of puffers. they were absolutely fantastic and had way too much personality for being a fish. i was in heaven... until i got more fish, who came with fun diseases and killed my entire tank. i gave up after that. i miss them. this is my generic blowfish. i'll make a porcupine puffer kaotic kritter in the future, maybe even all the types of puffers i had, in memory of my happier days with a tank full of friendly puffers.
and this little guy is squiggles the octopus. this is definitely a sketch in painting form. very, very quick and sloppy. i had some piece of cardboard from a poptart box lying around that i had painted, probably about my sophomore year of college. don't ask me why i saved it for so about 4-5 years. i got the urge to paint on it last week... obviously without much thought or effort

Friday, May 14, 2010
friend 1EG's
i owed my friend a painting for about 2 years before i finished this. (not COMPLETELY because i was lazy, it did take a long, long time to decide on what she wanted!) but she wanted me, her, and our other friend painted as 1EG'S. i think it looks like us, mostly since we each have such different hairstyles that none of us look the same at all.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
mr smiles!
HERE HE IS! mr. smiles. with close up of the rain because i love the way it looks. (click pics for larger view). mr smiles is currently the biggest kaotic kritter to date, at 24"x36". but i love working big so i'll be making lots of huge kritter paintings.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
mockery series: the lone lighthouse
so a few weeks.. or months (?) ago, i wanted to start a series of 1-night quick paintings to break myself from the commissioned art i am always doing. something to just keep me grounded so i don't go insane doing all artwork for others, rather than myself. i was in the bathroom one night and i zoned out on some cliche lighthouse painting my mom has hanging up. my mom loves that crap. i kind of despise artwork of landscapes.. of fruit.. of flowers.. basically any boring cliche you can think of that everyone in the world has hanging in their boring houses .... no offense... so as my little exercise i am basically just copying existing "boring" paintings and making them creepy or discusting or whatever i feel like. this was the first. unforunately i haven't made any more yet, though i have lots of ideas. i was going to wait to post this one until i had more, but i have no idea when i'll make another one, and got impatient
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
sealife KRITTERS
jellers the jellyfish, soary the sting ray, happie the clownfish, and jam the starfish. i was inspired to make some sealife kritters after a meeting with ovny last week. i didn't put as much time designing these as i usually do due to lack of time but i think they came out alright. personally, soary is my favorite and i'm obsessed with him until i find a new one to be obsessed with.
Monday, May 10, 2010
happy mother's day!
i made this for my mom for mother's day. mama elephant and 3 trailing babies. first baby is my oldest sister with the evil eye because she likes to terrorize people. second baby is huge-smile middle sister. and baby sleepy me, on wheels of course. i'm going to do this as a huge painting but i figured a small drawing would be better for my mom since i'm sure she doesn't need giant cartoon elephants to find a spot for.
we spent mother's day at the azalea fest, facepainting and selling artwork. it was freezing, super sleepy, looked like a trainwreck, super dehydrated, and didn't really get to socialize with.. anyone. BUT it was fun, got to show lots of artwork, sold some prints, painted lots of attention-span-less kids, and painted a very special twenty-some year old's full face as a skeleton. the wind was unearthly but our stand held up well. we (aka my mom) finally i figured out the best way to set up and display work at our stand. learn more and better ways every time.
we spent mother's day at the azalea fest, facepainting and selling artwork. it was freezing, super sleepy, looked like a trainwreck, super dehydrated, and didn't really get to socialize with.. anyone. BUT it was fun, got to show lots of artwork, sold some prints, painted lots of attention-span-less kids, and painted a very special twenty-some year old's full face as a skeleton. the wind was unearthly but our stand held up well. we (aka my mom) finally i figured out the best way to set up and display work at our stand. learn more and better ways every time.
Friday, May 7, 2010
1EG's of LOVE!

LOVE! here are the rest of the ink/watercolor 1EG's i promised last week. the first one is more confusing than i had planned, but i like it anyway
SUNDAY! come visit me on SUNDAY while i facepaint and sell cheap artwork at the azalea fest at sayen gardens. all day until 4. bring your mom for mother's day and buy her a pretty painting
Thursday, May 6, 2010

pandy the red panda, bottles the dolphin, and cornball the guinea pig have been sitting on my counter unfinished for months and months. so i finally finished them. here they are! next kaotic kritter to be finished should be mr. smiles, hopefully by next week if i have time.
i also spent some time rearranging and updating the KAOTIC KRITTER website! so go look at it and buy all the paintings for sale, now
i also spent some time rearranging and updating the KAOTIC KRITTER website! so go look at it and buy all the paintings for sale, now
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
forbidden ocean love: salty and humpster

salty the walrus and humpster the humpback whale. finally finished! so here they are, painted and adorable. humpster is pretty damn cute when you look at him upside down.. (or rightside up..) you should just turn your head and look at the pic above upside down. you'll get what i mean. if you do it. do it! he looks happier. i want to make a brand new humpster on his own, facing the right way, but i'd rather make brand new ones.
don't forget where these guys came from! the old dove statue i found. excited. and i hope lots of people looked as stupid as i did trying to turn their heads upside down to see humpster rightside up on their computer screens
ps- there's still time to enter for a free zombie 1EG here !
a few more salty humpster view here
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
CONTEST: free drawings

CONTEST! two free zombie drawings.
1. first one goes to the FIRST person to guess my favorite zombie movie! UPDATE: winner = andrew pfeffer with EVIL DEAD trilogy! i don't care who argues, that is totally a zombie movie.
1. first one goes to the FIRST person to guess my favorite zombie movie! UPDATE: winner = andrew pfeffer with EVIL DEAD trilogy! i don't care who argues, that is totally a zombie movie.
2. second one: name the best horror movie! whoever i think names the best horror movie (any type of horror) wins 2nd drawing. don't be obvious! answer here, via facebook, or email. i'll give a few days to answer
1. winner picks up artwork, or pay shipping.
2. if you want to play for fun but don't want the drawing, at the end of your entry, just say "this is the best drawing ever! but no thanks"
Monday, May 3, 2010
ZOMBIE contest tomorrow!
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