
Thursday, September 2, 2010


i had an orange mini munny lying around that i got for being the munnyworld highlight winner a while back, and i decided i wanted to make some munnys that kept to its original color-- i wanted this one to stay primarily orange, and to just make a simple design on it.  i kept with the kaorit kritter style, seeing as i really like this style for toy-making.  i used this as an exercise like i've been doing with my paintings lately: painting just to paint without much thought.  he ended up looking pretty unoriginal, like a million munny's i've seen before, but that's okay.  i think that i'm less satisfied with him because since i wanted to keep to the simple orange base, he became less my style than normal.  i'm not one to use flat colors often, and this guy is pretty flat. i do enjoy his colors, and i think he's cute desite his lack of originality. i plan on getting a bunch of colored munnys-- white is the most popular, but they have come out with pink and blue mini's as well as a multicolor series (which is where this one is from) full of all the colors of the rainbow.  i haven't seen them for sale recently so hopefully they are still making them. just another exercise i'd love to work on, and just imagine a dozen of them in all different fun!

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