there were volunteers everywhere, and i mean everywhere. (you can see above how many there were in the deeper water. it looks like i'm in the middle of a swarm of sharks ready to attack.) i was surprised at how safe i actually felt despite having no real control over my body in the water. basically how it worked, there was a group of volunteers who carried me out over the shallow water, until passing me off to the deeper water volunteers who swam me out to sea over each oncoming wave and set me up for a wave to ride all the way back down to the beach, where that same original group caught me (or saved me if i fell off the board) and repeated the same process again. while i was holding on with every ounce of strength i had, my arms were killing me but i refused to take a break because i didn't want to waste a single moment since time was limited. but all the while i was impressed and amazed at my team for their hard work and dedication. they must have been exhausted from pushing bodies out into the ocean over and over again, but all with a smile on their faces. they were amazing and i'm incredibly grateful for every single one of them. obviously, i wouldn't have had been able to experience this if not for them.
just the fact that i was in the ocean was the biggest thrill for me since it has been so long. every memory i have of being in the ocean is from when i was a kid. the last time i was phsyically able to was when i was just a kid, and i think that's what made it so special for me. although riding a wave all the way down to the shore was a blast, and i am fully addicted. i thought i'd be terrified of falling off the board, but even that was actually really fun.
video! i know, it's kind of awkward to watch. also, you can stop watching after i flip over, i think my sister just wanted to record herself running on the beach?
i have a ridiculous amount of photos (the more the better, i say) but here are just a few more of how things went down, my team, and of course surfing:
i'm horribly embarrassed by this, but it's too funny not to post. i'm not sure why i look like i'm about to burst in tears.
my sister and mike being wonderful volunteers
my amazing team blue!
my fantastic surfing instructor (instructor? i forget what his "title" was.) he is the great one that looks like he's pouncing on me or burrowing into my butt in all the pictures. i apologize for looking like a weird wet beaver in this picture.
the man who made it happen! i received an email from mike (lime green) informing me about the event. i wouldn't have been there if not for him. infinite thanks to you, mike!
all surfers, volunteers, participants.
i hate to get all sentimental and actually express my feelings, so i won't. i just want to genuinely thank everyone at life rolls on, every single volunteer on my team (and every other team), moon doggie surfer, my supportive family, everyone who made the day possible. the entire event was beautifully planned, and there was such an uplifting, positive vibe beaming from everyone participating, volunteering, and watching. i couldn't have asked for a better experience and i'm forever grateful to have had the opportunity to get back in the ocean.
i plan to head to virginia beach in august for round 2!
so sick. any pics of the last time u were on the beach?