i've been making some valentiney mini paintings to keep myself busy and motivated.... and for tomorrow night's "little bit o love on bangs" ! i've been working on a series of paintings, all in the same color scheme. i like to think of them as my little valentine's series. they look pretty fantastic together. love these colors. here's a sneak preview above: a new edition of an old kaotic kritter favorite, squiddles!
and here is all the info for the love on bangs dillio:
"Little Bit O Love on Bangs" Valentine's Day Gift and Art show!!!
Bull Dog Clip Productions in conjunction with DougZ, Warren Curtain Realty, Gallery 13, Xstyles Art Studio, and ReBearth Art Supply proudly present a variety of Valentine's Day gifts, kitsch, and themed art from some of our favorite local artists and craftsfolk... You might just find the perfect thing for your special someone, for yourself, or to decorate your house!
Come join the festivities Saturday February 5th from 6:11pm-10...pm!!
You never know what might happen at a BDC event... and this promises to be just as lively!
Music will be provided by Stringbean and the Stalkers!!!!!!!
***********!!!!Participating Artist List!!!!***************
Doug Z, (www.dougzart.com)
Christine Busch (thefix.com)
T.J. Reddick
Ellen Martin
MARS tni
Meg Jupiter
ZINK (XStyles Studios)
Chris Hartsgrove
Skoti Brendel
Chainsaw Ed
K.SO, (www.StinkCheeseMassive.com)
Richard "Fun Angel" Falkiewicz (BDC Art Dept.)
Jonas Exume
Demond Williams
Marissa Woodrow
Dylan Wise
Tim Smracowicz (re
BEARTH Art Supply)
Josiah "Pirate/Ninja" Chenowith (BDC Art Dept.)
DE3, 357 (Bronx Graf artist)
RD, 357 (Manhattan Graf Legend)
Kasey Tararuj
611 bangs ave. asbury park, nj. feel free to visit the love on bangs
facebook invite here.